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Articles and Blogs

Engaging your busy toddler or young child in learning can be a tricky thing. With short attention spans and eager to discover the next exciting

Reading rates in Australia are declining at a rapid rate. The increased use of phones and digital devices have replaced books for many people, and

If your child is in or about to start occupational therapy, you may be looking for ways to support their progress at home. Busy Books

One of the most exciting milestones in our child’s early years is saying their first word. In some cases, this may be delayed or you

There’s likely been some point in your parenting journey where you’ve questioned if your child is having too much screen time. It could be the

Every milestone your child reaches is a big deal, whether that’s taking their first steps or saying their first word, or when they start to

As parents, our number one goal is to raise happy, healthy children. So, when we notice a delay in development or they’re not quite where

Critical thinking is what helps us analyse information, solve problems and make informed decisions. For children, these are all important traits in their development and

Emotions can feel like a big deal for little people. When children are young, they may not understand what they are feeling or why, or

Developing empathy and compassion are essential skills for children as they navigate the world around them. Instilling these values in young minds is crucial to

We all want our children to do well in life. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing them thirst for information and want to explore

We all know reading is an essential skill for children to learn and can help with many other areas of development. However, studies have shown

As a parent, one of your greatest desires is to see your child thrive and succeed in life. One of the most valuable gifts you