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Problem Solving

Problem Solving


We encounter problems on a daily basis at work or at home, but it is second nature to us to resolve these issues and move forward.

However, for a child this is an important life skill they will need to develop so they are able to make healthy decisions for themselves. If a child is able to solve problems on their own, they will be happier, more confident and more independent; they will not feel frustrated or disheartened in their inefficiency. This is why it is important we begin teaching children problem solving skills from an early age.

Rather than being looked on negatively, problems help build character, resilience and perseverance. Problems offer us opportunities to see things differently and do things in a different way and evoke lateral thinking. A child who lacks problem solving skills may avoid trying new things, may ignore certain situations altogether or act rashly when presented with a problem.

Like adults, children face problems every single day, however rather than running to the rescue, give your child the chance to attempt to resolve the problem on their own.

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How Busy Books Helps Problem Solving

For example, watch as they play with their Busy Books, watch to see how they examine and approach the problem of not knowing where something goes; talk through it and try to come up with a solution together. Your child will then draw upon and use these strategies when faced with a similar problem later on, and will feel confident in their ability to overcome the obstacle, knowing they have mastered it before.

A child with good problem solving skills will be able to use their initiative and be able to weigh up actions and consequences to guide their decisions throughout their day. They will not be daunted by new work or new tasks, but instead have the self-belief and ‘can-do’ attitude to give it a go, thus creating a more happier self confident child.

Have you observed your little one working through problem solving in their Busy Books? Have you seen an improvement in your little ones problem solving skills since playing with their Busy Books?

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