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Blaire Simpson

Blaire Simpson


Blaire is a Mum of two from Victoria. Her 3.5 year old, Maya, is speech delayed and has been working on lengthening her sentences and improving her pronunciation. Harlow is 18 month old and her wild child, she’s a very busy and energetic girl.  Blaires partner is a FIFO worker so Blaire juggles all the Mum things; finding the right balance between earning an income from home and spending quality time with the girls, providing them with enriching experiences and supporting their development, attending Maya’s Early Intervention appointments and practicing those skills at home, keeping on top of housework, minimising screentime, some days staying sane is the only goal!

Blaire conducted a 6 week case study with her children using the Colours Patterns Shapes, My Little Farm, Starting with Sounds and Alphabet Numbers Writing Skills Busy Books to see see how her children learn and grow with Busy Books.  Check out our Panel of Experts VIP Group on Facebook to follow Blaire’s Case Study: Click here to join

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Blaire is a Mum of two from Victoria. Her 3.5 year old, Maya, is speech delayed and has been working on lengthening her sentences and