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Megan King is am a Speech Language Therapist and Founder of the Finding Group based in Auckland, New Zealand! Finding Voices, Finding Minds and Finding your Balance. They are a multi-disciplinary team, who work closely together to provide speech language therapy, occupational therapy and other therapeutic services to children and adolescents and young adults. The Finding Group believe in functional, fun and individualised therapy, which is play based and naturalistic.

Megans dream is to create a hub of therapeutic services, so that families can access all the supports in one place, attend joint sessions, and move easily between therapies as their child’s needs and goals change (they know that you’ll need different things, at different times!).

Megan is lucky to have three amazing Speech Language Therapists (Wei-Yuen, Vanessa and Ashleigh), our dedicated Psychotherapist (Oliver) and newly to the team Jill and Phoebe (not pictured) who are awesome Occupational Therapists! Together they provide speech and language therapy, sensory integration, therapy for fine and gross motor skills, play therapy and talk therapy for older children and adolescents. The team love using Busy Books in clinic, and are so excited for this opportunity!

Speech Language Therapist and Founder of the Finding Group, Auckland, New Zealand

Other Experts

Renee is the owner of She Made, Mumma of 4 and your all round HYPE gal! Renee’s souls mission is to inspire and empower women

Jill has been an Occupational Therapist for 2 years and has previous experience working in the disability sector. The majority of her caseload is paediatrics,

Brooke is a Mum to five beautiful kids ranging from seven months old to seven years old. Two of Brookes children have special needs. Their

Blaire is a Mum of two from Victoria. Her 3.5 year old, Maya, is speech delayed and has been working on lengthening her sentences and