17 Important Social Skills for Kids That You Should Teach Today!

important skills

Social skills are significant for all ages. Children must learn how to share, collaborate, cooperate, and empathise. These skills help them grow socially and emotionally. As adults, we also need to practice these skills. We may not always get what we want, but we often get what we need.

These 17 essential social skills will help you understand what your child needs to grow socially and emotionally. You’ll also learn how to use these skills to help your child interact with other children and adults.

Sharing Is One of The Top Most Social Skills Activities to Do

Talking with kids about sharing can help them understand the concept. Children may be reluctant to share because it means they’ll have less to enjoy. Kids only want to share resources when they’re abundant, so talking with them about sharing is so important at such a young age.

When kids understand that sharing will make everyone happy in the long run, they are more likely to partake in this behaviour.

Children ages 7 or 8 begin to care about fairness and are more likely to share resources willingly. This is partly due to their developing sense of justice, as well as the fact that they now realise that there are enough resources for everyone if we all just pitch in and cooperate.

Sharing helps kids feel good about themselves by teaching them empathy and compassion. It also allows them to experience what it feels like on the receiving end of positive interactions – something that can be beneficial later in life when forming relationships with others.

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Cooperating or Providing Support

Good cooperation skills are essential for success. Beginning at about age 3 1/2, kids can begin to work cooperatively with their peers to achieve a common goal. 

Not all kids will take a leadership position regarding cooperation – some will prefer to follow directions, while others will want more of a hands-on role

Kids learn how best to function in groups through collaboration – working together towards a common goal.


Listening is important for communication, learning, and problem-solving. Good listeners can accurately repeat what the other person has said. They also show empathy, which is the ability to understand and share another person’s feelings.

This skill is indispensable in social interactions, allowing children to offer support or compassion. Finally, listening can help resolve conflicts. Children can better understand each other’s point of view when they have listened attentively and without interruption.

Listening is a fundamental skill with positive social benefits; when you have good manners, others will respect you and seek your opinion more often. Developing these skills might help the children in their path to success later on.

Following Directions

Knowing how to give instructions is essential so your child can follow them. Kids who struggle with following directions may experience consequences of having to redo a homework assignment or getting in trouble for misbehaviour.

There are a few things you can do to help your child follow directions:

While teaching your children, asking a question can make kids think you’re asking for permission or that they have a choice, which may not be true depending on the instructions. For example, saying “Can you please pick up your shoes?” introduces doubt about whether picking up shoes is mandatory.

Instead, try saying, “Pick up your shoes.” This gives no room for interpretation and lets the child know what is expected of them.

Another way to ensure that kids understand directions is by repeating them verbatim. 

You can ask, “What are you supposed to do now?” and wait for them to explain what they heard.

You say that to confirm instructions were received correctly, without giving other choices. 

If they still seem unsure after explaining it, rephrase the instruction using different words.

Mistakes are usual for kids. When they make a mistake, help them learn from it instead of getting frustrated. View mistakes as opportunities to help children learn new skills. 

Your child should be praised when they follow directions correctly and reprimanded when they don’t.

 This will show them that you’re serious about following instructions and that doing so is important. 

Respecting Personal Space

Personal space is a critical social skill for kids to develop. Talk to your children about personal space boundaries as they age, helping with setting limits and respecting the boundaries of others.

Parents can coach kids about setting boundaries with others and respecting their personal space. 

For example, it’s indispensable for children to understand that they should not touch or grab someone without permission.

Snatching and grabbing can indicate that an individual does not understand the concept of personal space. Role play with your child to help them learn when snatching and grabbing are appropriate.

This will help them better understand when it is okay to invade someone’s personal space and when they need to respect the boundary set by another person.

Making Eye Contact

Concentrating on encouraging your child to make good eye contact is important. Eye contact is a key part of social interaction and can be difficult for children to master. 

It’s especially important for kids with ADHD or Asperger’s Syndrome who struggle to look at people when talking.

Remind your child of the importance of eye contact after they forget while praising a successful effort. Don’t pressure children to look at others when they have social interactions; it can cause additional anxiety.

Show your child how it feels to hold a conversation with someone who isn’t making eye contact by asking them to share a story while you stare at the ground, close your eyes, or look everywhere except them. 

Then invite them to tell another story and make appropriate eye contact while telling that story.

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Manners are a significant social skill that children need to learn. Saying please and thank you can help kids gain the respect of teachers, friends, and other people.

It’s also vital for children to know how to be polite and respectful when in someone else’s home or at school.

Being polite is a productive social skill for kids. Saying please and thank you can go a long way to help your child gain attention for all the right reasons.

Parents know those teaching manners to their children can feel like an uphill battle sometimes, but it’s important to teach your child these simple skills as they grow up in order to avoid negative consequences later on in life.

Teaching manners takes time and practice, but it will be worth it once your child becomes a well-mannered adult.

Children need to see good manners to know how to behave; leading by example is an excellent way for children to learn the right thing to do.

Importance of an Apology in Social Situations

An apology seems simple, but the three-part process is important to remember:

  • Acknowledging your role in what happened.
  • Expressing remorse for your actions.
  • Offering a solution or repair.

When you apologise, you’re not just saying that you’re sorry; you’re also acknowledging the other person’s feelings and trying to make things right.

Apologising doesn’t always mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right – you value relationships more than your ego.

That’s why it’s so important for kids to learn how to apologise effectively.

Social skill development is not limited to school education – parents should encourage kids to learn about themselves and others during other parts of their lives.

Thinking Twice Before Speaking

Kids need to think before they speak.

This will help them in two ways: first, they will be less likely to say something hurtful or damaging; second, they will learn how to organise their thoughts better. It is also essential for kids to remember that words can be forgiven but not forgotten. 

So if they say something regrettable, it is best to apologise quickly and sincerely.

Accepting Differences in Community

One of the most significant things we can teach our children is to accept differences. Talk with your child about each family’s different interests, talents, and skills.

Help your child to understand that differences are actually what makes people unique!

This thinking will encourage empathy in children by helping them put themselves in someone else’s shoes. 

Books and television shows are great ways to expose kids to different cultures and people.

When children see that everyone is different in some way, they will be more accepting of others – no matter how different they may seem.

Happily Accepting Criticism, Showing Good Sportsmanship

As a parent, it is important to be open to criticism that your child may have for you. Let them know that you are always willing to listen and learn.

Additionally, encourage them to give positive feedback as well.

This will help them grow into confident individuals who can accept constructive criticism gracefully.

Taking Charge of Their Responsibilities

Taking charge of their responsibilities is one of the children’s most important social skills. Kids need to learn that they are responsible for their actions and behaviour.

This starts with making good choices and decisions and carrying through on what they say they will do.

Children who take responsibility for themselves feel empowered and have a strong sense of self-esteem. They know that they can handle whatever life throws their way.

Dealing with Anger and Frustration and Showing Self-Control

Anger is an observable emotion. It can be seen in a person’s face, body, and voice. Kids often struggle to distinguish the difference between anger and aggressive behaviour.

For example, when kids are angry, they might shout or throw things. However, these behaviours are not always signs of anger.

Aggressive behaviour is when someone tries to hurt another person, either physically or emotionally.

Adults play a key role in teaching kids right from wrong.

They can model positive anger management techniques while helping kids understand the consequences of appropriate and inappropriate expressions of anger.

Developing a Good Set of Communication Skills

Communication is the most important social skill. It helps kids in many situations, from understanding to conflict resolution.

Good communication skills help children form relationships with others.

Compassion and Empathy

Parents can show their children how to be compassionate and emphatic by being more aware of their emotions and reactions.

They should also try to listen more attentively, rather than just waiting for their turn to speak.

Teaching a child how to empathise is also enhanced by a more direct approach, such as teaching them to practice the skill on others.

For example, have them keep a journal in which they write about someone they know who is going through a tough time.

This will help the child develop an understanding of that person’s experience.

A good way to teach empathy is by asking children to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, to understand that person better.

This can start a conversation about how the child would feel if they fell or had an unfortunate experience in a race.

It can also lead to discussions about other people’s feelings and experiences—topics that kids are naturally curious about.

Personal Health and Hygiene

It is important to emphasise personal health and hygiene with children.

This includes teaching them the importance of good nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Personal hygiene is also critical; kids should be taught to keep themselves clean and healthy.

Poor personal health is the root cause of many health and social problems in children and adults.

Teaching kids about these topics early can help them develop strong social skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Why Should a Child Learn Social Skills?

Social skills are important for children because they help them form positive relationships and improve mental health.

Social skills can be learned at any age, but start young to get a head start on developing good habits later in life.

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The Benefits of Learning Social Skills as a Child

There are many benefits to teaching social skills, such as improved academic performance and family relationships. When children know how to interact with others, they feel more comfortable and confident in social situations. This can lead to them making and keeping friends easier.

In addition, teaching social skills helps children learn how to set boundaries and say “no” appropriately. They will also be able to ask for help when needed. All of these skills last a lifetime and help children live healthier lives.

And it is essential for teachers to assess their students’ social skills, so they can see how they relate to outcomes. One study found “statistically significant and unique associations” between prosocial skills and all domains: academic, behavioural, emotional, relational, and vocational.

Where Do Kids Develop Skills Best?

At Home via Homeschooling or Virtual Learning

Parents have various educational options for their children, including public, private, and charter schools. In addition, many parents are choosing to homeschool or use virtual learning programs.

One reason for this is that children who are taught at home can learn social skills more easily.

They may be allowed to experience new things, such as museums and museums of different cultures.

Children who learn at home also have less access to peers and groups of peers necessary to teach certain social skills.

Some children may need more creative thinking regarding social skills activities when they don’t have many other children around them.

In a School Environment

The classroom is an effective learning tool for kids to practice social skills alongside academics. In a classroom setting, children are more likely to learn social skills when they can be shared between multiple students and teachers.

This allows them to see how people react in different scenarios and develop their social styles.

Social skills can be developed in a class setting with the help of a good teacher who is willing to give individual attention when required.

Because of the number of other students, there are pros and cons to training in social skills in an educational setting, and it may make it more difficult for teachers to get one-on-one attention from students.

Appropriate behaviour is praised and rewarded for children to learn best from their experience in a school environment.

Caregivers may not always be the best examples for children to follow, as some students may pick up bad habits if not addressed by an authority figure.

Importance of Developing Social Skills for Children

Children need to develop strong social skills. These skills will help them in all aspects of their lives, from forming relationships with others to succeeding in school and work.

Social skills are learned through play. Children learn to interact with others by playing games and interacting with their peers. 

Parents can help reinforce these skills by providing positive feedback and making children feel confident in themselves.

As children grow older, it becomes increasingly important for them to be able to understand and interpret emotions. They also need to be able to communicate effectively with others.

This involves discussing feelings openly and honestly with them. 

By doing this, parents can help their children develop into emotionally healthy adults.


If you are not sure how to start teaching social skills to your children in an easy way, then we have got your back.

Our Community and Construction Busy Book is the one you need. It has 21 fun interactive activities to teach your child about the community around them and more.

Also, if you need more professional help and guidance for your child, then you can seek help from our panel of experts.

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